The Helen Blake Roll of Honour

This roll of honour is in recognition and with thanks to our generous donors.

If you would like to join them, please consider buying a foot of plank.

Join the Roll of HonourSponsorship

Rosemary Butler
Thomas Kelly
Samantha Kelly
David Salter
Sebastian Power
Rosie Power
Niamh Power
Douglas Hamandishe
Walter Hume
Aquinas Duffy
Yvonne Byrne
Tony Sinnott
Leo McCoy
Rosslare Maritime Enthusiasts
Susanne Fanning
Sofrimar Ltd
Nolan Transport Ltd
Barbara Jane Kelly
Kevin Powers
Carnivan Bay
Helen Blake
Paddy Kent
Wall Steel Ltd
Hook Residents Association
Martin Murphy
Loftus Hall
Bonka Mancheva
Pat Kent
Eamonn Colfer
John Hensman
George & Ann Brannick
Harvest Associates Ltd
Oceana Doyle
Irish Ferries
Statia Colfer
Lidl Ireland
Richard Finn
Liam Ryan
Eileen Cloney
Willie Gleeson
Eamonn Power
Mary B Byrne
Sir Michael Blake
Templars Inn
Anthony O’Toole
Carol Faulkner
Nicholas & Alice O’Callaghan
Irene Kelly
Castle View Park Residents
Johanne Powell
Jason O’Ceannobháin
Tony Tubritt
Tom Nunan
Eileen Martin
Patrick Ellard
Dermot Carthy
Shay Delaney
Keith Rochford
Erin Daisy Molloy
Jane O’Connor
C. Auld
L. Nolan
Louise Davitt
B & S Clarkin
C Swan
Kate O’Brien
Billy Smith
Marian Smith
Theresa Ryan
Les Crascall
Gwynneth Crascall
White Family
Brendan Lavery
Gallagher Lavery
Bernie Boland
Irene & Pat Kavanagh
Rick & Christine Terres
Tim Bradley
Dawn Bradley
Julie Parslow
Gordon Page
Jean Kelly
Sarah Miles
Oonagh Rowe
Laura Kelly
Peter Byrne
Frank Bolger
Sam Griffin
Des Peare
Phillips Family
Marie Doyle
Pat Busher
John Boyce
Bridget Boyce
Brian Boyce
John Mullins
Padraig Quirke
Madeline Quirke
Des Donan
Barbara Donan
Dick Bates
Phil Joe Fox
Liam Blake
Joe Doyle
Fergus Wickham
Gearóid Hourihan
Damian Allen
Edward Aughney
Bruce Buckley
Tom & Martina Murphy
Hazel & John Berlin
David Cronin
Pat Hickey
Dr A Bulbulia
Vonnie Murray
Sean Murray
Bill McCarthy
Aisli Hanton
Billy Fitzpatrick
Rowan Fitzpatrick
Leo Fitzpatrick

Clem Jacob

Gráinne Ryan
Aoife Ryan
Sorcha Ryan
Colm Ryan
Ellen O’Donnell
Pat Holland
Andrew Kiernan
Ann Nunan
Anne Tweedy
Brendan Power
Carole Power
Jacob & Marcus Kiernan
Kathrin O’Callaghan
The Cowley Family
The O’Neills
AIB Bank
Tommy Morrissey
Shannon Hanton
Summer Hanton
Skye Hanton
Tracey Hanton
T J Hanton
Walter Kent
Paddy O’Connor
Jackie Edwards
Ivana Lavelle
Leanne Mullen
Raymond Foley
Lisa Smith
Seán Scanlon
Marie Scanlon
Joan Rackham
Esther & Mark Hanton
Simon Power
Craig Power
The Boland Family
Danny Byrne
Mark Byrne
Paula Murphy
Anette Doran
Michael Ryan
Marian McWilliam
Caroline Whelan
O’Regan Family
Bob & Briget Doyle
Cullen/Hannin Family
St. John Family
Watson Family
Dwyer Family
Brian Galligan
Patrick Ellard, Carne
Ryan Waters
Ned Foley
Dick &A ileen White
John Hodman
Rosie Dunne
Colm & Patricia Murphy
Richard & Janet Fenlon
Helen Dooley
Molly Carthy
Fenella Foley
Judy Barker
Tommy Barker
The Hearne Family
Pauline Comiskey
The Lambe Family
Lustic 1
Pops Away
Kevin Barry
The Barry Family
Kevin Kelly
Aidan Kelly
Timothy Jago
Irma Nix
Paddy O’Regan
Eileen Reilly
Lynda Hance
Michael Young
Olivia Young
Peadar Boland
Michael Maddock
Deirdre O’Callaghan
Connor Cantwell
Patrick Cullen
Jimmy Meyler
Thomas Whelan
Kathleen Whelan
Elaine Whelan
Andrew Whelan
Kathryn Whelan
Maureen & Paddy Power
George Foley
Jo Parslow
Dermot & MayB Doyle
Paul Caulfield
Tim Doyle
Alfie Doherty
Fintan Parle
Bridin Galligan
John Fardy
Ger Fardy
Claire Fardy
Perry Fardy
Mol Fardy
Kate Fardy
Jack Fardy
Trudy Fardy
Michael McNamara
Pat Byrne
Gerry Flynn
Ann Kent
Timothy Jago
Stevie Nolan
Lynette Nolan
Vera McEvoy
Vonnie Evans
Yvonne Miller
Scott Mulligan
Naomi Mulligan
Gerry Mulligan
Frank Carberry
The Horgan Family

Margot Banville Hogan
The Banville Families Grange/Ramstown/Haytown/Fethard-on-Sea
Aidan & Stasia Banville (Kirwan) Family Haytown & Ferns
John Hogan
Paul Hogan
Isabella & Alya Hogan
Michelle Clancy (nee Kavanagh Bates)
Niall Hogan
Nathan Gleeson (Hogan)
Helen Brady  (Ellen Banville)
Edward Banville
Michelle Banville Roche
John Roche
Jessica Roche
Ben Roche
Adam Roche
The Banville/O’Halloran/McCrow Families Essex UK
Nickie Banville
Mary Banville Nolte & Family
Angela Power (nee Banville)
John Power
Eoin Power
Laura Berney
Sean Power
Adrian, & Eilis Power
Cathal, Isabella & Baby Power
Ken Banville & Family
The Hogan/Murphy/O’Neill Families
Rory & Anne Stafford
The Stafford & Bate Families Australia
Annette Doran
Marie Power
Helen Hart
Declan Hart
Maria Kelly
John Kelly
Marco Griscti
Jack Alfred Finnerty
George Crumpton
Mick Duffy
Dermot Doran
Anna Browne
Elizabeth Martin
Davis Boland
Ian Cullen
Anita Barnes
Anne McLeod
Michael Roche
Brian Cleare
Carmen Wenner
Dave Purcell
Gary Lacey
David Kennedy
Declan Colfer
Deidre Sweeney
Derek Clark
Eileen Finn
Ena Fitzpatrick
Ernie Dundon
Gill Good
Gill Wild
Guy Urbin
Helen Mason
Jack Butler
Jackie Murphy
Jane McKenna
Joan Foley
John Colfer
John Power
Joshua Barry-Lee
Julia Power
Katherine Colfer
Kit Kelly
Liz Kelly
Madeleine Whitty
Maggie Crewes
Margaret Buggy
Marina Wild
Joanne Waters
Marjorie Doran
Mary Bassett
Mary O’Loughlin
Mary Yeo
Mattie Molloy
Paddy O’Shea
Tony Banville
Peg Molloy
Pete Mullin
Philip Power
Rose Finn
Sally O’Hare
Sandra Dillon
Serena Kitt
Sive Wade
Stella Power
Stephen Colfer
Steve Hickey
Steve Myler
Terry Dunne
Theresa Colfer
Tom Dunne
Tomas Roe
Trish Killalea
Tom Neville

Sean Neville

David Neville
Elizabeth Neville
Mary Claire Neville
John Hanton
Kate Hanton
Ahern Family
Paul Kelly
Liz Kelly
Jamie Tubritt
Joan Smith
The Caulfield Family
Matilda Hanton
Maleachi Hanton

2024 In Review